Jameson Cold Brew

Jameson Cold Brew
Jameson Cold Brew
Customer review
3.3 (8)
Taste profile
Coffee Coffee Herb Herb Oak Oak
Variety Liqueur
Aroma Intense and rich of coffee beans, vanilla and nuts.
Taste Strong with the influence of coffee. Notes of charred oak follow.
Finish Full, soft and warming.
Jameson Cold Brew
available immediately
0,7 l · 30 % vol
29,90 €
Contains colouring: Spirit caramel · 42,71 €/l
- incl. 20% VAT - excl. Shipping costs

Product description

Product description
Jameson Cold Brew is a combination of Jameson whiskey and cold-brewed coffee made from Arabica beans from Brazil and Colombia. Whiskey and coffee are not a novel combination, the so-called Irish Coffee made from cold coffee, Irish whiskey and whipped cream is a well-known cocktail. The Irish whiskey was infused with the Cold Brew, which gives the mild triple-distilled Jameson an additional coffee aroma.
Midleton Distillery – Distillery Walk Midleton Cork/IE
Country of origin
Spirit caramel
Distillery video
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The Distillery: Midleton

Midleton is Ireland's largest distillery and produces many well-known Whiskey brands: Jameson, Midleton, Powers, Redbreast, Writers Tears, The Irishman, Green Spot, Yellow Spot – the list is long... read more
Country, Region
Jameson - 1 litre
Jameson - 1 litre
26,99 €/l
- incl. 20% VAT - excl. Shipping costs
Redbreast 12 Years
64,14 €/l
- incl. 20% VAT - excl. Shipping costs
Green Spot
Green Spot
57,00 €/l
- incl. 20% VAT - excl. Shipping costs
Jameson Black Barrel
Jameson Black Barrel
45,70 €/l
- incl. 20% VAT - excl. Shipping costs
Jameson Caskmates Stout - 1 litre
Jameson Caskmates Stout - 1 litre
32,90 €/l
- incl. 20% VAT - excl. Shipping costs
Jameson Caskmates Stout
Jameson Caskmates Stout
38,56 €/l
- incl. 20% VAT - excl. Shipping costs
Yellow Spot 12 Years
Yellow Spot
99,86 €/l
- incl. 20% VAT - excl. Shipping costs
Redbreast 15 Years

Whisky.de Award December 2024

Sweet Nuts
114,14 €/l
- incl. 20% VAT - excl. Shipping costs
Jameson Crested
Jameson Crested
42,71 €/l
- incl. 20% VAT - excl. Shipping costs
Redbreast 21 Years

Whisky.de Award October 2023

Sweet Fruit
271,43 €/l
- incl. 20% VAT - excl. Shipping costs

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Customer reviews

Average from 8 reviews
3,3 stars
5 stars
4 stars
3 stars
2 stars
1 star

Flavour reviews

Vanilla Vanil.
100% (7)
Sweet Sweet
100% (7)
Coffee Coffee
80% (5)
Herb Herb
80% (5)
Peat Smoke Peat.
30% (2)
Nuts Nuts
20% (1)
Heather Heath.
20% (1)
Oil Oil
20% (1)
Alcohol Alcoh.
20% (1)
Herbs Herbs
20% (1)
Coffee Coffee
100% (10)
Herb Herb
100% (10)
Oak Oak
70% (7)
Sweet Sweet
30% (3)
Vanilla Vanil.
30% (2)
Tobacco Tobac.
30% (2)
Chocolate Choco.
10% (1)
Heather Heath.
10% (1)
Dark Chocolate Dark.
10% (1)
Herbs Herbs
10% (1)
Nuts Nuts
100% (6)
Sweet Sweet
100% (6)
Coffee Coffee
90% (5)
Oil Oil
90% (5)
Herb Herb
90% (5)
Vanilla Vanil.
70% (4)
Seaweed Seawe.
40% (2)
Maritime Notes Marit.
40% (2)
Spices Spices
20% (1)
Heather Heath.
20% (1)
Pepper Pepper
20% (1)
Honey Honey
20% (1)
Herbs Herbs
20% (1)


on 13.12.2022
Aroma: Peat Smoke Herbs

Geschmack: Herbs Sweet

Abgang: Vanilla Herbs

Kommentar: ist ok.
on 19.09.2022
Coffee Vanilla
Coffee Dark Chocolate
Vanilla Coffee
Sehr Kräftiger Kaffe geschmack
on 07.09.2022
Aroma: Coffee Vanilla Sweet Nuts Oil

Geschmack: Vanilla Coffee Chocolate Oak

Abgang: Vanilla Coffee

on 29.08.2022
Aroma: Coffee Herb

Geschmack: Sweet Coffee Tobacco Vanilla

Abgang: Nuts Vanilla

Sehr lecker warm im Kaffee oder auch kalt auf Eis wie Baileys.
Der gewohnte Jameson-Geschmack gepaart mit der leichtvanilligen Note eines ColdBrew passt immer und ist mal eine gute Alternative zum klassischen Caffecremegeschlonz wie Baileys etc.
Dr. Michael
on 22.02.2021
Herb Coffee
Geschmack: Coffee Coffee

Abgang: Pepper Coffee Herb Maritime Notes

Ideal zu handgebrühtem Filterkaffee.
Halber Teelöffel Zucker/Süßungsmittel in 0,25 Liter Tasse/Pott, gut umrühren.
Zuletzt ein reichlicher Esslöffel Jameson Cold Brew dazu, nur ganz sanft durchrühren.
Heiß trinken.
Lecker. Feuert recht gut durch direkt nach Winterspaziergang.
An heißen Tagen sicher auch als Eiskaffee genießbar, habe ich aber noch nicht ausprobiert.
Dr. Michael
on 12.01.2021
Aroma: Coffee Herb :Alcohol

Geschmack: Coffee Tobacco HerbOak

Abgang: Coffee Maritime Notes

Kommentar: Feiner Likör mit einer winzig kleinen Nuance Honig, dennoch mit ordentlichem herben Abgang und tollem Kaffee-Aroma.
Wir tranken ihn (auch) mit einem Schuß (ungeschlagener) Schlagsahne.
Dazu ein Stück Bitterschokolade (mind. 80 Prozent).
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